Breakfast Moms – Jenn (Alliston)
Have you met Jenn?
Jenn is someone special. She’s the kind of person that believes in miracles, and her exuberant personality makes you believe in them too.
And for Jenn, miracles do come true.
The long-time server at our Alliston Sunset Grill had always dreamt of becoming a mom. After years of trying and suffering a tragic loss in 2017, Jenn and her partner Brendon decided to get help.

Miracle baby, Ava.
They started their in vitro fertilization (IVF) journey back in 2019, got into a clinic in 2020, and finally became pregnant in 2023. “It’s not a guaranteed thing,” Jenn shares. “We could have paid all this money and been left childless.”
“The fact that I got one embryo that worked, it was a miracle.”
Their daughter Ava is now just over two months’ old, and they couldn’t be happier.
“If you have something that you really want, just keep trying for it. I didn’t think I was ever going to be a mom, and I just kept trying, and here she is,” she shares while holding back tears.
“I would never give up any of the heartache, any of the tears, anything, because I have her now.”
The entire team as well as the regular guests at the Alliston Sunset Grill restaurant had been incredibly supportive of Jenn throughout her IVF journey. They even hosted a surprise baby shower for her once they learned of the good news.
“The love that I felt that day from them, my coworkers and customers, to celebrate my daughter, was unreal,” Jenn shares. “I’ll never forget that.”
After almost 10 years working at the Alliston Sunset Grill, Jenn considers it her second home, and her colleagues brothers and sisters. She develops deep bonds with almost everyone she crosses paths with.

Jenn and her newborn daughter, Ava.
She tells of Bonnie and her late sister, Monica, both of whom had been regulars at the Alliston Sunset Grill since the day it opened. Bonnie still comes in every day, and coincidentally, she was also the person who initially shared the job opportunity with Jenn all those years ago.
Although Jenn is on maternity leave, she’ll be at the restaurant working for a couple hours tomorrow, on Mother’s Day, because it’s something that brings her joy. “Being around the customers that have supported me throughout the whole IVF process, I just kind of want to spend [the day] with them too,” she says excitedly.
If it wasn’t for her immediate support systems, as well as the countless friendships she’s nurtured online, Jenn may not have been able to stay so positive throughout such a tumultuous journey.
“When I first started this [IVF process], someone gave me a tiny bottle of glitter that said, ‘Baby Dust’ on it,” she shares. “Since then, I’ve mailed out more than 100 Baby Dust [bottles] to women.”
“When I looked at it, it gave me hope,” she says sympathetically. She’s willing to send a jar of hope to anyone who wants one. “I just want to give people a glimpse of hope. I know how lonely and draining it can be.”
A surprisingly uplifting moment for Jenn during her journey was when she went to see Russell Peters at Casino Rama.
“When we had our embryo transfer, we actually went to the comedy show, and a week after, we found out we were pregnant,” Jenn shares. “They say laughter is good for your soul,” she chuckles.
Looking ahead and before she officially goes back to work full-time later this year, she’s hoping she can bring Ava to the Toronto Zoo, as it’s something she’s always wanted to do. Beyond that, Jenn also has a creative flair, and has a side hustle creating wood art pieces.
She’s the type of person who is always trying something new and is not afraid to fail. It’s that type of mentality that makes Jenn the special person she is.
“As long as you can say you tried your best, that’s all that matters,” she says. “You’re worth it. Never give up on anything in life. As long as you can say you tried, that’s the best.”
The next time you’re in the area be sure to stop by our Alliston Sunset Grill and say hi to Jenn and the amazing team!
Go-To Breakfast: Meat Lovers’ Breakfast Wrap (pregnancy craving turned favourite meal!)
Jenn is part of this year’s Mother’s Day profile series highlighting Breakfast Moms – the strong and talented women that make up the many faces of the Sunset Grill community.
- Jenn and her partner of almost a decade, Brendon, during their IVF journey.
- Alliston Sunset Grill regulars alongside Jenn (back, left) and owner Sonia (back, right).
- Jenn sporting her costume for the Alliston Sunset Grill ’90s themed day.
- Baby Dust.